As Rose Tyler embarks upon her first big TARDIS adventure with the newly-regenerated Doctor, they discover a sinister hospital run by strange cat people and run in to two old acquaintances, The Face of Boe and Cassandra.
泰勒·克奇 貝蒂·吉爾平 托卡拉·克利福德 Derek Hinkey 亞歷克斯·芬恩 Nanabah Grace Jeremy Gauna Kip Weeks Kaius Eteeyan Bodhi Rader 多米尼克·博加特 米坎德魯 Chris Martin 凱文·斯科特·艾倫 Oliver Stafford Brannon Cross Lily Smith 奧利維亞 泰勒 Marco Fuller Chloe Lysenko Jenny Marie Mitchell